Baked glazed ham    Cold boiled tongue
Casserole of sweet potatoes   Creamy horseradish sauce
Tossed green salad    Macaroni and cheese
Buttered rye and white bread   Grapefruit salad
Rich pumpkin pie    Hot rolls
Coffee      Party devil’s food
Roast turkey
Cranberry sauce
Scalloped potatoes
Old-fashioned cole slaw
Hot buttered bread Macaroon-Bavarian cream Wreath cookies

Veal paprika
Noodles with nuts
and poppy seeds
String beans with mushrooms
Hot French bread
(with or without garlic butter)
Tomato and cucumber salad
Cherry tarts

Swedish meat balls
Potatoes with parsley
Braised carrots
Endive salad
Hot muffins
Date torte

Spaghetti for a Crowd
Baked beans
Mixed vegetable salad
Brown bread Rye bread
Apple pie or Mince turnovers

Fried chicken
Rice with avocado sauce
Salad bowl
Hot French bread
Golden Nesselrode pie