Have 4 frying chickens, 3 to 4 pounds each, cut into pieces for serving. Roll in seasoned flour and arrange in well-greased dripping pans. Sprinkle with melted shortening and bake in hot oven (450 F.) about hour until lightly browned…. Continue Reading →
Turkey or chicken for roasting-50 poundsChicken for frying or fricassee-25 poundsFowl for creaming or mousse-18 poundsHam for baking-25 poundsBeef round for Swiss steak-16 poundsBeef chuck for patties-12 poundsGround meat for loaf-10 poundsBacon for garnishing baked beans-1 poundCanned vegetables-2 No. 10… Continue Reading →
Almost all women who have a sense of civic responsibility-and who doesn’t these days ?-will eventually take a turn at serving on the committee for a church or club supper or luncheon. The group to be served will usually be… Continue Reading →