Hot appetizers should preferably be prepared just before they are to be served. Small cocktail sausages or frankfurters may be cooked in a covered skillet until lightly browned, drained on soft paper and kept warm in oven. Then they should… Continue Reading →
For each serving, allow 1 jigger dark rum, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon sugar syrup. Place in cocktail shaker over cracked ice and shake well. Strain into cocktail glasses.Frosted daiquiri: Mix ice with ingredients in electric blender.
Mix liquor and fruit juices. Pour over block of ice in punch bowl. Add sparkling water. Yield: About 40 servings.
For each serving, allow 1 part French, 1 part Italian Vermouth, 2 parts rye and a dash of bitters. If sweet cocktails are preferred, use all Italian Vermouth. Combine and stir in pitcher with cracked ice. Serve in cocktail glasses… Continue Reading →
For each serving, allow 3 parts gin and 1 part French Vermouth. Measure ingredients into pitcher holding cracked ice. Stir and serve in cocktail glasses with an olive or pickled onion. Bitters may be added to taste, if desired.